Friday, May 1, 2020


And the theaters are still closed.

It is strange to think that it has been nearly two months since I have been inside of a movie theater and beyond even that, it is strange to think nearly two months have passed since life itself was essentially placed upon a certain stasis due to the global pandemic. Even so, Savage Cinema will continue as I do  have some plans that I can keep pushing ahead with.

My five part series compiling my Top 50 favorite films of the past decade of 2010-2019 will continue this month as part three is being written. Full confession: I feel that I will have to make a certain slight cheat with the amount of films because I am just two films over the 50 film limit and there is no way I can have a Time Capsule without them. So...and is my list!

I do have a new review in the hopper, also currently being written and should surface soon. Additionally, there are some films that perhaps I can try to screen at home this month but as always, time is an issue, so we shall see...

The movies are not finished and I need to believe that the theaters will re-open one day. Hopefully this year! In the grand scheme, doing what we are able to help keep each other safe is the most important thing during this stressful, traumatic period. But still...if you are able, having the opportunity to lose yourself in a cinematic story is more than sustaining and at their best, the movies help us stay connected to each other, the world and ourselves unlike anything else.

So...please stay safe, keep washing your hands and I will see you again when those house lights go down!!

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