Wednesday, April 1, 2020


And the theaters are now all closed. So...what now?

By now, to everyone who is able to read these postings or if you are frequent visitors to this blogsite, I am hoping that you are all safely ensconced at home, feeling as healthy as you are able, practicing social distancing and trying as best as possible to ride this wave for the duration.

As for myself, I am feeling as I would gather most to all of you are feeling to varying degrees. I am wavering between realms of calm and panic, truthfully. Being away from people has not been the difficult part for me. I am very much an introvert and in my real world career as a preschool teacher, I do recognize that being surrounded by people 40 hours a week is not a natural fit for me...and really, it never has been regardless of how fulfilling this life has been for me. So, the quiet of home has been good, in that respect and being forced to remain at home other than the necessity of strategically scheduled grocery shopping trips to curtail being around too many people (just stressful in its own right) has also allowed me to relax considerably.

Not rushing. Not being overwhelmed by the wants and needs of others constantly. The calm lives there. But, the anxiety...well, that rises and falls consistently as we are all facing the unknown and that is a place where I admittedly do not like to live. The aforementioned grocery store trips are anxiety inducing in and of themselves now, and in ways they have never existed before. More urgently there is my employment at a school that has now been forced to close its doors for this period, a stretch of time that is unknowable. Then, larger worries of how long this period will last and worrying over my own family and friends and just having a general sense of global empathy. 

It is draining. It is overwhelming. And I know you can understand.

Will there ever be a sense of normalcy again and what might that look like? This leads me to the movies, one of my life's greatest passions and now, they are gone..,hopefully, temporarily. And with  no movie theaters, what does this mean for activity upon Savage Cinema?

Well...I feel that my activities last month provides a window into this month's offerings. While at home, I have treated myself to free 30 day trials of  Hulu and Netflix, allowing me the time and opportunity to see shows and movies that I had previously been unable to see, including the surprisingly excellent re-invention of "High Fidelity" and Spike Lee's outstanding re-invention of his own "She's Gotta Have It," plus Noah Baumbach's "Marriage Story" (2019), which did not play in any theater in Madison, WI.

I plan to continue in the vein for the time being and furthermore, I think that I will finally be able to really dive in to my Time Capsule series, detailing the movies I loved most during the decade of 2010-2019. Perhaps, that series will inspire you to check out some titles while you are at home too.

For now, all I have is hope. I hope you all remain healthy. I hope that you all remain safe. I h ope that can all emerge from this unprecedented period with a greater sense of perspective about what is truly important in the world regarding how we treat ourselves, each other and the world we have been given.

And I hope our movie theaters return...and when they do, I will be there again. I hope you will be there with me.

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