Monday, October 1, 2012


As I look back upon the postings of the previous month, I am struck by the large amount of solemnity contained in the reviews and tributes. I suppose the arrival of Fall made it a more contemplative month. For October, while some of those qualities may re-appear, I am hoping to experience something a hair more visceral. I think I am ready to be cinematically rocked again.

During this month, there are two films in particular that I am waiting for with high anticipation and equally high curiosity.

1. "Argo," from Director Ben Affleck is my top priority by far. His career re-invention has been a supreme joy to witness as he has shown a filmmaking skill that I never knew was possible for him. The first trailer I saw had me riveted and I am hoping the entire film will do the same and then some.

2. "Cloud Atlas," the new film from The Wachowskis and their first collaboration with Director Tom Tykwer who gave us the extraordinary "Run Lola Run" (1998). Like so many of you, I have seen the six minute trailer and was indeed blown away by the sights. This movie feels as if it could be either a masterpiece or a disaster and I would nto miss this for anythng at all.

3. "The Perks Of Being A Wallflower" has not arrived in my city yet and that is also one that remains high on my personal "must see" list.

4. "2 Days In New York" from Actress/Writer/Director Julie Delpy, and also starring Chris Rock, has indeed piqued my interest.

5. I also have a new edition of "Savage Cinema Revisits" in the hopper and just about ready to release to the world.

And, with that, let's see if there are any other additions that I can possibly make during the month, a new Halloween themed feature perhaps? As always, I ask for you to wish me luck in my pursuits...

...And I'll see you when the house lights go down.

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